Bringing Gender Balance to Corporate Leadership


We’ve Come A Long Way

As we celebrate Women’s Equality Day and the passage of the 19th Amendment, it’s easy to see that through the hard work of a number of empowered women, we’ve come a long way in a relatively short period of time. We aren’t crossing the finish line just yet though. When it comes to business we still have work to do.

Women Are Still Underrepresented
In The Workplace

Women make up 50% of the workforce, have higher education levels than men, and are often the primary breadwinners in their families, yet they still end up underpaid and underrepresented in the workplace. In fact, studies show that having more women in the workplace can lead to higher productivity and efficiency. So what is the hold up?

Women Need Recognition And Support

Jane Nelson, lecturer and a director of Harvard Kennedy School’s Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative points out that women don’t need help, they need recognition and support. “They have similar qualifications, capabilities, and education as men. Companies need to have a strategic framework for gender diversity, with goals, targets, sponsors, and support networks, and with clear leadership from the top.”

Change Is Key To Tackle Gender Challenges In The Workplace

Changes can be difficult to implement, and that causes many companies to continue to put it off. Nelson, however, has a plan help all employers tackle gender challenges. Read more at FastCompany.

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