Eight Tips for Getting Mentally Tough

When Your World Falls Apart

When traumatic events occur, it’s easy to feel as if your world is crumbling. Smart women know how to regain control of their lives, and Dr. Nancy offers these tips for connecting with your innate power. Learn to regain your power.

Change is Not Easy, Is It?

Tips for Getting Mentally ToughChange is not always easy; in fact, for many of us change is terribly difficult. Humans are creatures of habit. We like the world to be predictable, and we want to know what to expect in our lives and relationships from moment to moment.

In today’s world, however, change is part of life. Everyday we hear that someone has lost a job, been foreclosed out of the home, or broken up with a loved one. When life hands you a bunch of lemons, do you fall apart and spend months trying to recover, or are you resilient? During these trying times, wouldn’t you like to be more resilient?

Resilient people are mentally tough. Think of them like the Energizer bunny – they keep going no matter what. Those who are resilient are able to overcome difficult situations and are ready to seek solutions to get back on track. But how can you develop this kind of strength and perseverance?

It’s all about staying in a psychological, physical and emotional state that allows you to perform at peak levels. Performance is about how we behave, feel, think and do our jobs. If you want more out of your life – whether it’s to do better on the job despite the economic downturn or enhance your skills in spite of previous roadblocks – then it’s time to make changes and get mentally tough.

How Can I Become More Resilient and Open to Change?

  1. Start breathing
    Breathing actually prepares your body for better performance. Are you holding your breath right now? The more stressed and tense you are, the more likely you are to breathe shallowly. In fact, you could also be experiencing headaches, backaches or tightening shoulders. Here’s a prescription for you: Take three deep breaths and let each one out slowly. This creates good circulation and a healthy breath pattern.
  2. Get more physical activity
    Anything that gets your heart pumping creates important, positive changes in your body. Exercise not only improves our physical bodies, but it also improves our mental state. It gives us an important sense of control. Activities such as running, walking, yoga, Pilates, biking, hiking, swimming or playing sports are all great ways to keep your mind and body healthy.
  3. Give your body the fuel it needs
    Food fuels your human engine. You wouldn’t start a long drive without putting gas in your car, so why leave for work without eating breakfast? Fill up your tank with energy-boosting whole grains, fruit and yogurt and watch your performance increase.
  4. Get laughing
    When the going gets tough, the tough get laughing. Feed your sense of humor at a comedy club, a funny movie or getting together with a particularly hilarious friend. Locating your funny bone will help you release those feel-good endorphins. This will help your emotional state and your physical being.
  5. Visualize your future
    Practice what you want to be, and see clearly what you want for your future. Practicing in your mind, whether for a new skill or for the dream house you want to move into, can help you attain your goal. Athletes do it all the time. They visualize the ball going into the hole, or the basketball going into the net. Think, and it will be.
  6. Use your brain
    Resilient people exercise their brains as well as their muscles. Play brain games and right-brain/left-brain exercises, such as puzzles, cards and memory games; brush your hair (or your teeth) with the opposite hand; find a new way to get home after work.
  7. Stay cool
    Mentally tough people know how to stay calm and avoid letting their emotions run over them. To help keep your cool, try doing some biofeedback; spend the afternoon daydreaming; listen to music; get a fuzzy pet. Last, but not least, get rid of those negative thoughts! Stop saying “I can’t” and replace it with “I can” or “I will.”
  8. Choose to be happy
    Happiness is an attitude, a state of mind, not a place, an object, person or thing. The laws of attraction dictate that you attract what you think about. Mentally tough people realize they can practice being happy.

Sure, times are tough. But resilient people are mentally tough. By cultivating these habits you can build your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

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