Real Keys to Happiness

What Are the Real Keys to Happiness?

What Are the Real Keys to Happiness?Many women say that all they want is to be happy!

Have you noticed that some people are positive and upbeat no matter what is going on in their lives?  These people have learned to be happy, and you can, too. Read these suggestions from Dr. Nancy.

What would it take to make you happy? “If I only had a million dollars I would happy.” “If I had her/his good looks I would be happy.” “If I found the love of my life, my soul mate, I would be sooooooooooo happy.”

Surprise! It’s not money, good looks, success or even love in our lives that makes us happy. Many people who have all these things and should have high levels of happiness reported feeling glum and bored. So why don’t these things bring happiness to their obviously wonderful lives?

Things don’t make us happy, because people quickly adapt to change. We get used to the new things in our lives, which soon become everyday and predictable. Research also suggests that each of us has a “set point” for happiness, a level of contentment that stays about the same even when external circumstances in our lives change.

How Do I Learn to Be Happy?

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