How Social Media Are Affecting Social-Profit Organizations

Twitter LogoSocial-profit organizations always operate with small staffs and people who can feel maxed out. Social media opportunities today stretch staff resources to the breaking point and have created three major problems.
Facebook LogoThis excellent article explores three negative consequences and what to do about them.

The 24/7 news cycle creates compassion fatigue.

People feel overloaded with bad news and their ability to relate is exhausted. The fix for social profit groups: share more success stories for positive uplift online.

Internet trolls blast venom and hate across blogs and media.

This causes people to turn off and turn away from social media, which is not what you want to happen to your website or blog. Monitor carefully so you can block, delete, ban, report, and move on.

Constant need to monitor and update causes social media burnout.

Get away from your smartphone or computer. And watch less cable news!
Read the full article here.

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