Missourian Award Acceptance Speech

Dr Nancy and FamilyI am honored to have been nominated for this Missourian award and to join the ranks of the amazing prior recipients. Some of these people I know well, including my husband Larry O’Reilly, my brother-in-law, Charlie O’Reilly and my dear friend and sister in-law, Mary Beth O’Reilly.

I do not believe any of us can succeed in life without support. Three important supports help me every day and brought me here this evening. I call these my three Fs. My first F is my family. My second F is friends and the third F is my faith in God, my higher power and strength.

My family is here tonight: my husband Larry; my girls Lauren, Leigh and Ragan and their important men, Rich, Alex and Chris. Many of them traveled from Los Angles so I am touched by their display of support. Also here to share this important night are my mother Phyllis Tisdale, my sweet number one granddaughter Alexis, and my nephew, Tim O’Reilly. It is easy to see how my family supports me and I am blessed to have them all in my life.

With me tonight in spirit is my dear departed Grandmother, Nancy Shirk, for whom I was named. I called her Mama Nancy, which is what I am now called by my seven beautiful little granddaughters, our next generation of strong amazing women. My life’s work as a psychologist has been about helping women to be all they can be. I share this night and this award with my family. I would not be here without them by my side.  Thank you my dear family.

Friends are important to me and several have joined me here tonight as well. David and Ray Appleby bring me continual support, kindness and warmth. Friends also help me feel and look good and my good friend Maggie Castrey has helped me to better know myself and see what is possible. Four who help me understand the importance of serving and helping others are Katie Steele Danner and General Steve Danner and Dr. Eileen Barrow Rives and Jim Rives. Each of them makes the world a better place for their compassion and willingness to help others. I want to thank you for helping me to be a better person and helping me see that I can do more and be more.

My third F, my faith, helps me feel connected and to know that I belong, and I give thanks every day for my many blessings. It gives me strength, peace and the knowledge that I am loved. I was taught that faith will get you through tough times and believe me I have seen them. I know that prayer and a strong belief is crucial for survival, good health and well being.

My grandfather was a Methodist minister. He told me it did not matter what church you decided to worship in, the important thing was to find a place of worship. Larry O’Reilly is a good man and a good husband and he showed me the importance of faith and prayer as part of our day-to-day teachings in our family.

My last thanks go especially to Larry, who has always pushed me to be more. Larry had always wanted our family to float down the Grand Canyon. After much planning, we went: Larry, our three girls and myself. The first day we went through huge rapids and hung on for dear life, hurtling blindly through high pounding waves. After that adventurous beginning we floated down the river into the canyon. What an amazing journey!

We ended our trip with a ten-mile hike out of the canyon. It seemed like an impossible task with our full backpacks, but Larry knew we could all do it. He challenged us and pushed us and encouraged us and never stopped believing we could do it. Our youngest daughter, Ragan, was 11 at the time and she was the first one out. I will never forget her pride and her feeling of accomplishment. Larry still encourages me to keep hiking up the next canyon wall. Thanks, Larry.

Without my family, friends and faith, I would not be here tonight. I thank you all and I lift my prayer of thanks to my higher power.

~Dr. Nancy

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