Velvet Anchor versus the Glass Ceiling


A while back, I was speaking to a group of graduates students about women and if they felt that, in our current world affairs, there was equality for women in their careers and other aspects of their lives.  I was surprised to hear that many of  the young female graduate students felt they were not always treated fairly.  To my greater surprise, they told me it was other females who were the culprits.  One of the women said this may of been the Glass Ceiling Effect, but was now the “Velvet Anchor Effect”. 

What is a “Velvet Anchor Effect”? 

It is what is not like the Glass Ceiling which women have hit their heads on trying to advance their rights, their careers and their lives.  The Velvet Anchor  it is what is holding them down. 

Do you think women in your work place and in your life are holding you down or keeping you from being all you can be?

I often wonder when I hear a woman put down another woman how that helps any of us to find our bliss.  I also wonder if women are not to blame.  We hear of a woman’s despair, about the hard knocks that life has dealt her and some women coldly respond to the story.  She may be a young woman, single and possibly rearing a child on her own. Then, some woman says “it is her own fault“.  What kind of person is that??

How Can I Stop the Velvet Anchor?

Today make a pact with me if you would and promise yourself that if you hear someone put a woman down, especially at your workplace, you will step in and stop that from happening.  Also if  you find yourself  angry at one of your sisters….do not put her down do something about it.  Today is the day we can change the world one woman at time by helping her and bringing her along. If we all do this, we have nothing to worry about we will all find the Glass Ceiling and the Velvet Anchor have disappeared.

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