When Women Connect for Good

We Can Change The World!

100 Women Making a Difference

We know that a woman’s personal power, influence and earning potential increase with education beyond high school, but access is not equal for all. Which is why we recently engaged 100 women to join us and create the Women Connect4Good/Suit Yourself Endowed Scholarship in partnership with Ozarks Technical Community College.
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We realize that there is no greater change agent than education and for a $100 donation – matched dollar-for-dollar by the Women Connect4Good Foundation – 100 women came together to endow the $20,000 scholarship fund and change women’s lives for years to come. Our work is not done. In the beginning we looked for ways to remove barriers, to help women develop the knowledge and skills they need to secure their futures. However, for many women, those barriers remain.

Together we can do so much, which is why we are continuing our work to grow that fund and are inviting more women to connect for good and donate – joining our 100 women founders. That’s how change happens, and how together we will lift even more women up for years to come.

Did you know?

Did you know a relatively minor expense, such as a flat tire, can cause a woman to drop out of college? That’s why the Women Connect4Good/Suit Yourself Scholarship will be awarded to one deserving woman each year to be used toward transportation, housing, supplies or whatever barrier might be standing in her way.

To donate and join us...

You can donate below or mail a check (with Women Connect4Good/Suit Yourself Scholarship in memo) to:
OTC Foundation Ozarks Technical Community College 1001 E. Chestnut Expressway Springfield, MO 65802

Want to make a difference?

It is time to help yourself – and the women around you – access your confidence, influence, and relentless feminine power.

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