Empower Tomorrow’s Leaders

We Empower Tomorrow’s Leaders

The world is changing and the challenges facing young women and girls need our attention now!  The CDC’s 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey reveals a troubling increase in experiences of violence, mental health issues, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts – impacting young women at higher rates than their male counterparts. COVID-19 has further intensified these challenges, with girls of all ages losing out on social connections and struggling to navigate negative influences at an age where they should be finding their voices.


At Women Connect4Good, we recognize the urgency of the situation and are working to assist girls with the skills, support, tools, and resources they need to overcome these challenges and thrive. By empowering young women and girls we help them succeed in their own lives and to become role models for future generations. You’ve got to see it to be it and as they achieve and break barriers, they inspire others to believe in their own potential and do the same. Their empowerment creates a ripple effect that inspires others to believe in their own potential and creates an equal and supportive future for all.

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