Women Are Their Own Worst Enemies

I hate to say it, but for years I have heard women tell me men are keeping them down.  I think at one point in my life I agreed with their theory.  After years of doing research and the last ten years talking with women experts and authors about a myriad of topics, I clearly have heard it is not only the men but some women keeping other women down.  I know you do not want to hear this, but I have to be honest and tell the truth about women’s bad habit of putting another woman down, maybe for her hair, her clothes, her weight, or her social class. I hear from women in their 20’s and 30’s they would love to have female mentors in the work place helping them to excel in their jobs.  That is not what I hear and what I do hear is some women are blasting one another and are their own worst enemies.

Time to stop this and fight fair
competition is healthy but back stabbing is uncalled for.

Sharon LechterI recently spoke with Sharon Lechter, the author of the book titled Think and Grow Rich, Three Feet From Gold. She is a CPA and has dedicated her life to helping men and especially women be financially stable and able to care for themselves.
She and I both agreed this is today a huge problem of women  of all social classes that are not educated about finances and when a life crisis such as a death of a spouse or divorce, many are left completely shocked and fearful of money management.

Women are also losing their hard earned cash
to men who take it and leave them broke.

What is wrong with this picture?


Husband Shopping – Where’s Prince Charming?

Sharon and I also agreed women had better stop husband shopping and looking for PRINCE Charming to sweep them off their feet and make all the bad stuff go away. The top selling paperback books are romance novels in the United States.  Women are looking for love in all the wrong places and are not helping each other learn basic skills to help them balance their checkbooks.  Do you manage your own financial affairs or do you have someone else doing it for you?

So, What Do I Need to do to Be Successful?

Sharon says to be successful you have to plan on being just that, “successful” and one of the best ways to do so is with hard work and lots of help from others who have been there.  One of the fastest growing trends in the United States is “women owned business.”  I hope this means women are in fact out there helping one another.  I am involved with a women initiative that is helping women in transition.  We are helping them find good jobs, get training and also matching  them up with female mentors to help them learn the ropes of the business world.  We must help one another and not make any excuses about what is keeping us down. Today make yourself a promise to never put another woman down and promise to help another woman each and everyday.  I think if we all do this we will see things change for the better and who knows there might be “NO MORE FIRSTS” for women.

Dr Nancy
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