Genshai Life Mastery Retreat

Class Notes

by Dr. Nancy O’Reilly

Last year was my first introduction to the secret word “Genshai.” Kevin Hall introduced the word in his book, Aspire: Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of Words . You can read more about my experience last January in my first post about it, “What Is Genshai?” Briefly, it’s an ancient Indian word that means, “Never make anyone feel small and that includes yourself.”

I began this year attending the retreat for the second year. This amazing retreat provides me with inspiration to continue my journey into self-discovery and re-discover my passion and purpose. Here are a few of my notes from the seminar. I hope they help you find your own path as well.

Practice Genshai every day

Are you ready to have a new life that is barely recognizable? Next year is a new chapter. Pain is short but the memory of the victory is painfully sweet.

  • Think about this — Every thought makes your life.
  • Do what you are great at.
  • Remember who you are. Then ask yourself, “What am I great at?”

If you are on the right path, you will meet the right people. Many of us do not know what we are good at. We live in the wrong role. Studies show that 95% of us are in wrong role.

Help everyone discover their gifts

What are your natural abilities? Each of us is talented in our own way with our own collective combination of abilities that is unique to ourselves. There is a purpose for these gifts. Most of us are not awake and we don’t see them. We must wake up and find our passion and purpose. Then we choose to be on our path on purpose.

It’s important when you find your purpose to take it to the masses. Do it for yourself and take these actions:

  • Stop conforming.
  • Surround yourself with those who help you to be great.
  • Come up with your own theory.
  • Leave your mark on the world.

Passion is your search engine to find your purpose

What causes you to have a sense of wonder? Mine is helping others and my horses and animals. I love them. It intrigues and inspires me and creates curiosity.

The way to overcome adversity and find your true purpose is to align these two important aspects of yourself: Your gifts with your curiosity.


Remember: We are all greats. We all have unique talents and none of us are small.

Become a Heart Centered Thought Leader

  • You heart and your thoughts determine your life.
  • When we forget who we are, we forget we want to be great.
  • If I want to me I have to be me.


My Divine meets the Divine within you. Jump On in! Go for it! Be great everyday!

Follow the guidance from poet, E.E Cummings:

“To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting.”

Be yourself and know that you are enough. It is what comes natural to you and will leave others better for knowing you.

You were born to be this way. You would do this for free. Jump in with your whole heart. Let others decide if it is working or playing

 How can I bring joy into my life every day?

  • Devote yourself to giving joy.
  • It aligns with your greatness and creates Mastery… Genshai Mastery.
  • How can you give to others? Joy comes from doing what I’m great at.

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How can I become greater?

To become greater you keep chasing it through the ups and downs. Childlike curiosity is the most important part of who we are. Peel back the artichoke to get to the heart. Share your stories. We all connect with our own life stories.

Your life work is about finding out about your own life and what that is all about. Uncover the story.

When we find beauty in tragedy then we find purpose as well. Find what it is that you really want vie are connected to find acceptance and support and love and do not let anyone make you feel less.

Answer these questions:

  • Why are we here?
  • Why am I here?
  • How can I help people find their purpose, help others to feel they are more than enough?
  • How do I see beauty in a tragedy?
  • Is it your tragedy or mine? It may be yours.
  • How do we find beauty where it seems not to exist?

Curiosity factor:

What motivates you? What makes you suffer and you wonder about. Once we understand we can share the story with others. Surround yourself with those who have similar experiences. I surround myself with resilient people. It is important to connect with others and share your story. Wake up and focus on your purpose. It’s your life purpose.

Planting seeds:

We help others to plants seeds as well. Connecting and reflecting we are on a journey. We never stop learning. Most people don’t lead their lives they just live their lives. Who we spend time with is what we become.

Ask yourself:

  1. Who do I invest time with?
  2. Who fulfills me the most?
  3. Are you just curious about them or do they lift you up?
  4. Who does the reverse? Become aware of who contribute some good stuff, but most of all there are those who lift me up.

Our input:

What do we put into ourselves? What books do you read fulfills you the most? What goes in and what happens? What do you listen to? What do you watch? Be sure to connect with people you want to connect with once a week, some more often and others only once a year. Some people we cannot waste time on. Who do you want to spend time with much more frequently?

Be intentional. Choose not to be captive in environments that do not allow you to thrive. Find and create environments where you thrive. Renew your mind daily. We are all unrepeatable miracles.

Genshai. Never make another person feel small and never feel small yourself.

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