How to Spot a Great Leader vs the Boss from Hell

Danna Beal
Danna Beal

Workplace culture expert Danna Beal contrasts the qualities of great leaders with the fear-based leadership often encountered in the workplace. You know, “the boss from hell.” Dr. Nancy’s new book, In This Together, quotes Danna’s guidance for the enlightened leader. In this interview, she summarized her advice and talked about the benefits  of all the other practical advice and inspiration she read in the book. Herself an author and international speaker, Danna values the synergism of many voices speaking and working together to create a limitless world.

Why Women Excel as Leaders

Danna said that women naturally cultivate allies when they rely on their authentic selves. Women have a natural understanding of emotional intelligence, which is necessary for a positive workplace culture, she said. Current data reveals that companies that exclude women from upper management and board service  are less profitable and successful, said Dr. Nancy. It’s a way of doing business that has become outmoded and will eventually be replaced.

Unfortunately many workplaces are still ego-driven, said Danna, with micro-managers and blame-placers who create fear of recrimination. Such environments limit creativity and opportunity for both individuals and companies. In contrast, great leaders are self-reflective and have the courage to see their own weaknesses. The more we learn about our own fears and biases the more authentic and enlightened we can be as leaders. In fact, Danna admitted she found advice in Dr. Nancy’s book that helped her confront her own internal biases and fears.

We Are All Equal

Danna teaches management in all industries, but has always specialized in health care, where the mission of compassionate caring may get lost in a battle of egos in the workplace. In this interview and her excellent article for Healthcare News, Why Culture Matters: Are Leaders Unknowingly Depleting the Energy of the Workforce?, Danna outlined the cure for “the boss from hell.” It’s her “BE LOVE” model. She asserts that we are all love, not sentimental love, but universal love, the kind that makes a baby survive. At the start of each of her trainings she teaches a short mindfulness meditation to help her students slow down their conscious minds and reconnect with universal love. Amazingly, she said, her audiences can always recognize that vibrational level and connect with it. We are all part of the same humanity and truly are, “In This Together.”

More Insightful Ideas

Listen to this interview to hear more of what Danna learned from In This Together, and about other qualities that help women and men transform their lives at work and at home. Examine your own workplace culture through Danna’s book, The Extraordinary Workplace: Replacing Fear with Trust and Compassion.


Wouldn’t you love to read thoughts, advice, and stories from 40 successful women across a variety of careers—from authors to actresses, CEOs and professors—encouraging women to support each other in the workplace and in life—along with action plans on how all women can work together to break free from the binds of gender inequality?

Then remember to pre-order your copy – and gifts for your friends – of In This Together: How Successful Women Support Each Other In Work and Life.

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