How Important Is A Mentor?

News2Mentors Matter

Many empowered women in business today can attribute their self confidence and resolve in part to lessons they learned through a mentoring relationship. However, studies show that women have a more difficult time finding mentors than their male counterparts.

Why Do Women Have Difficulty Finding Mentors?

According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn, 1 out of 5 women say they’ve never had a mentor at work. The comparatively low numbers of female managers to females in entry levels offers one explanation. Another reason could be that those women who remain in the workforce often feel too strapped for time.

It isn’t just numbers or time that prevent mentor relationships from forming. Women are often reluctant to ask for mentors, even when they want them. Women’s networking organization Levo League conducted a survey of users and found that 95 percent had never sought out a mentor at work.

Women Benefit From A Female Mentor Who Can Show Them The Ropes

 The mentor can be a guide, a role model and a good adviser. To find a mentor, look at your workplace or community. Is there someone you admire for her skills or success? Invite her to coffee or just call and ask her advice. A good mentor has so much to offer in experience and training that you are bound to learn, grow and excel in your field.

Read more at The Daily Beast.


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