Mona Sinha (Encore): Empowering Women and Advancing Equality Globally

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Show Notes:
Welcome to “Smart, Amazing Conversations with Dr. Nancy”! In this episode, we have the incredible Mona Sinha, the Executive Director of Equality Now. Mona is a champion for gender equality, advocating for women, girls, and gender-nonconforming individuals across the globe. With a wealth of experience in the corporate sector, she has successfully unlocked economic potential and protected the rights of countless individuals.

In this conversation, you’ll hear Mona’s insights on the importance of women coming together to support each other and the power of collaboration. She sheds light on the work of Equality Now, focusing on promoting legal equality globally and addressing issues such as violence, sexual exploitation, and child marriage. We also delve into the role of economic agency in advancing gender equality and the importance of directing finances towards initiatives that make a real difference.

About Mona Sinha:
Mona Sinha grew up as the youngest of three girls in Calcutta, where she was constantly aware of the societal preference for boys. This awareness drove her to excel in academics and pursue sports, trying to be the son her parents desired. A formative experience came when she volunteered at Mother Teresa’s orphanage, realizing the disparity in opportunities for girls. This led her to enroll in a women’s college in the US, where she learned to stand up for herself and discovered her interest in finance. After working on Wall Street and in marketing, she found her niche in restructuring and running a multinational company in Asia Pacific. Mona’s life has been a journey of challenging societal norms and finding fulfillment in her professional and personal pursuits.

About Equality Now:
Equality Now is an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the rights of women and girls around the world. Since its founding in 1992, the organization has worked tirelessly to advocate for legal equality through strategic litigation, advocacy campaigns, and global partnerships. Equality Now focuses on ending violence and discrimination against women and girls, including issues such as sexual violence, child marriage, female genital mutilation, and discrimination in the digital space. Through its impactful work with international organizations, governments, and grassroots movements, Equality Now continues to drive meaningful change in the pursuit of gender equality and justice for women and girls everywhere.


Episode Timestamp:
00:00 Understanding others and self-appreciation through storytelling.
07:16 Involved in student leadership, activism, and social work.
09:22 Struggle as a woman in a competitive world.
11:59 New program aims to unite marginalized communities.
16:35 Coalition of organizations advocating for equal rights.
18:13 Government discrimination prevention efforts are gaining momentum.
23:09 Millions in funding leads to political disparity.
24:45 Public education funding influences control and power.
28:01 Vote for interests, listen without forcing opinions.

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