Small Ways to Make Big Changes

Even the most empowered woman can have an off day, or get overwhelmed. In fact, it’s only human to have days where our self confidence wavers, or the to-do list seems too big to tackle. It’s when we have these moments that we need to start to change things. But it doesn’t need to be a big thing to warrant change, it can be something as simple as cleaning out a coat closet. Procrastination happens when our goals are bigger than our energy levels, our time and even sometimes, our courage. But change can happen, when you take one step at a time.
Some of the biggest changes we can make start in small ways. For example, it helps to start by noticing what’s right. Instead of walking into a room (or your life) and noticing only what is wrong or missing, focus on the many things that are wonderful. Follow that up with gratitude, because even if you have not won the lottery this week, it’s important to count your blessings. And as always, be kind. It’s a fact that being kind to others helps you feel good. Help a neighbor find a lost cat or clean up an elderly person’s yard. Being kind and offering acts of kindness leads us to happiness and joy.

Change Happens, One Step At A Time

For additional ideas on small changes that you can make that can have a big impact, read more at Huffington Post. Dr. Nancy also tackles this subject on her blog, and has some fantastic tips you can integrate to find your happiness today, read more here.

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