Together We Can Help All Women Succeed

News4Success is not just about taking a seat at the table, it’s about believing that if you say or do the wrong thing, you will bounce back and try again. In fact, growth is difficult if not impossible when you see failure as a pronouncement of your potential. That’s why we all need to work together to realize the importance of self confidence.

Mindsets About Our Abilities

People can adopt one of two mindsets about their abilities. Those with a “fixed mindset” believe their basic intelligence cannot be improved, and often they see their inability to master a challenge as a sign that they simply don’t have what it takes to succeed. They may then opt for a safer path, and choose work that is less fulfilling. By contrast, people with a “growth mindset” think their abilities can be improved with hard work, sustained effort, strategy and mentoring. They are drawn to a challenge, and will persist despite setbacks—or even because of them.

Are some girls and women more likely to have a fixed mindset?

If so, how can we reverse that and raise their self-confidence, enabling them to be strong, empowered women?

Source: CNN

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