Why Women Need to Pay Attention to Politics

Young Women Can Learn About VotingI confess: I’ve become so disgusted with the current level of political (nonsense) discourse in Congress that I’ve largely tuned out. But I’m changing my ways. In this election year the stakes are high.

Author Nancy Poling writes eloquently about Why Young Women Need to Pay Attention. Well, 65 is not young any more by anyone’s count.  I’m in the last third of my life, so I need to really make it count!

Poling points out that women cannot afford to close their eyes now because so many of our hard-won rights are being threatened. Do we REALLY think men are better at knowing what women want and need than women are themselves?

She is absolutely right: Just because women today have more rights and opportunities than our mothers and grandmothers DOES NOT mean that women’s futures are secure! So I vow to step up and do three things she suggests and one more:

  1. Learn as much as I can about the issue(s). Read a variety of viewpoints, not just articles that support my opinion.
  2. Don’t believe the sound bytes. Look deeper.
  3. Cast an informed vote.

And my own addition: Work to elect candidates who represent the America I want for my daughters and granddaughter.

Read Poling’s entire excellent post here.

~Maggie Castrey, WomenSpeak Editor
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