Words to Wise Leaders: Don’t Meet Just to Meet

Unnecessary Meetings Waste Time and Erode Support

Too Many Unnecessary MeetingsYou’ve heard the dreaded: “Let’s meet.”

If you are like me, you are one busy woman! More than anything, you want to use your limited time and energy effectively. I appreciate the consideration others show me when:

  • The meeting is well organized.
  • The agenda is clearly stated and matches the leaders’ intentions.
  • Members who attend can understand clearly what is expected.
  • All attendees feel their time has been well spent.

Ask Two Questions

I believe more meetings could meet these criteria if their organizers would first ask just two questions:

  1. What do I want to accomplish at this meeting?
  2. Could our goals be met with a letter, a conference call or emails?

Although I dream of a world in which every meeting I attend is absolutely necessary, we all know we’re not there yet. So here are some things each of us can do to improve the effectiveness of meetings within our groups:

Before the Meeting

  • Remember that the purpose of our meetings is to activate people to create outcomes.
  • Clarify your job description when you join any group and ask questions until you understand.
  • Verify the meeting schedule that is written into the bylaws and make sure you can comply before joining a firm, a board or an organization.

During the Meeting

  • Clarify the action that will be taken for every agenda item and name the person who accepts responsibility for the action.
  • Help the rest of the group clarify what the goals and objectives are and what is expected of members.
  • Be willing to share your ideas thoughtfully and with respect.
  • Respond to other people’s ideas, time and energy with respect.
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  • Be kind.

Don’t meet just to meet or you will lose the attention and devotion of members of the team you are trying to build.  By instilling these values in your group, you can help assure that future meetings are filled with positive and productive outcomes. That way everyone wins.

Together, we can make good things happen!

~ Dr. Nancy


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