Jasmine K. Minhas: Advocating for Social Justice

Jasmine Minhas uses her principles of selfless service (seva) learned in Sikhism and her unwavering commitment to equity and justice to demonstrate how a single person can be a force for change.

The power that heritage and identity have in shaping one’s path is evident in Jasmine’s story. But it is her lived experience, coupled with the values instilled by her Punjabi immigrant parents, that fuels her activism. Raised in a Sikh household, she was taught early on the importance of standing up against injustice and the power in serving others. These lessons have guided her activism and helped her navigate the challenges of being different from those around her – like being a woman of color in predominantly white spaces.

Through education and advocacy, Jasmine works to increase awareness of Sikhism and combat stereotypes, furthering her commitment to inclusivity and representation. Her approach is deeply personal, rooted in her belief that every individual deserves to know and experience what it means to be safe, loved, and cared for, balanced with her desire to connect with and uplift individuals. “Since I was little, I just really found a lot of enjoyment out of being close to people, learning about who they are, and what makes them who they are,” Jasmine says. In her advocacy work, this ethos of empathy and understanding helps her connect personal interactions with broader systemic issues.

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Jasmine’s academic background, a blend of French, history and political science from Bucknell University, forms a foundation for understanding the societal structures that govern our lives.  She plans to continue this path with a law degree to become a defender of civil rights, then possibly run for political office herself at some point.

Her professional achievements are impressive and aren’t waiting for graduation. To date she has shared her time and talent with the ACLU of Delaware,  March for Our Lives, the Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence, and many other community groups. Jasmine also played a pivotal role in the enactment of historic gun safety legislation in Delaware, a milestone that not only marked a victory for gun violence prevention but also illustrated the impact of persistent advocacy. Jasmine is currently working in Delaware as the Volunteer Coordinator for the Matt Meyer for Governor campaign as well as the Campaign Coordinator for the Branden Fletcher-Dominguez campaign for State House, District 3.

Listen to or watch this conversation to learn more about Jasmine’s journey. To connect and follow her work, you can find her on Instagram at @JasmineKMinhas.

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