Women Empowerment: Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Working_with_Bitches-150x225If your workday is plagued by mean women, read this new post about Working with Bitches on the Women Connect4Good.org site. We were so impressed with this information, we got permission from the author, Meredith Fuller, to reprint 1800 words from her wonderful new book.

We chose to reprint the section about deciding whether you should stay or go because we had not addressed that decision in our Mean Women series. Meredith offers questions to help you decide if you can stay, suggests five strategies that will help you gain a fresh perspective, and reviews 10 factors that you should consider in making your decision.

This is valuable information that could apply to any situation, whether work, community or personal.

Are you wondering if you can salvage the situation or if it’s time to move on?

If you like the excerpt below, check out the full post on working with bitches.

  • Do you have accumulated vacation or sick time that you can take?
  • Is disability leave a possibility? Use that time to have an extended break and consider your future. Sometimes you simply need perspective. You might come back refreshed enough to consider other options.
  • What part does money play? What are your assets and debts, spending habits and needs?
  • Could you work a four-day week or take leave without pay for a while?
  • Could you take a different job at a lower level that you might enjoy more?
  • Do you need some changes in other parts of your life?
  • Are your core needs being met at work?

Follow the links on the left to read our Mean Women series. then review Meredith’s advice.

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